Please join us this Sunday, December 15th @ 10:45 a.m. for In-person worship.
Hello Shiloah Members and Friends! Greetings to each of you on another Lord’s Day! We are starting the third week of Advent, the first coming of Christ. The theme for this week is JOY. The Advent season is a type of Christmas Lenten season, and as Christians, we are called to bear witness to Christ as we await His Second coming.
Shiloah, we are still celebrating our 101st Church Anniversary! We are STILL STANDING and thank God for his blessings. Invite someone to our service next week.
Happy Birthday to our Members & Friends in the delightful month of December!
If you are visiting with us today, WE WELCOME YOU to Shiloah Baptist Church!
If you do not have a church home, please consider joining our Shiloah family.
Sun. School begins at 9:30am, Worship Service follows at 10:45am.
The SSchool Lesson for next week: Dec. 22 – Isaiah 49, Salvation
Communion Service is held on 1st Sundays, via Conference Call at 9:00 am or following morning worship service.
Week Ahead:
*The Food Pantry is open on Mondays, 2pm–4pm, except for holidays. Volunteers are always needed. Please contact Sis. Donna Ford.
*Bible Study and prayer meeting will resume in 2025. Please be safe and continue to pray for our church during the holiday season.
Forecast Activities (Future):
The rehearsal for the Christmas Presentation is immediately after service by the piano. We are seeking Children and Youth. It is not too late to join. Please see Sis. Lana Webb. The presentation will be Dec. 22nd.
**Please follow Shiloah on our new Instagram page. This new social media addition features important information and a new feature called ‘Pastoral Insights’, also found on YouTube. A new posting is uploaded weekly. The Instagram address is: @shiloahbaptistchurch.
Orders are still being taken for Centennial Tee shirts. Pls. sign-up in the Family Rm. Centennial Souvenir Journals are still available for $20. See Sis. Chantal Marsaw.
Info about the Annual Business Meeting dates will be announced soon. Stay tuned!
Sick, Shut In and Bereaved:
Please remember the Branford and Daniel Familiesin prayer as they adjust to the loss of their loved one. Both services were held on yesterday.
*Continue to pray for all of our sick and shut in, those recovering, those in bereavement, and for the mental well-being of our members & friends.
Remember to encourage one another.
Additional Announcements: See the SBC Webpage
*Contact the Church if you are not receiving SBC texts/mailings. We want you keep everyone connected.
*Thank you for your faithful financial support. Please continue to give your tithes and offerings. Contact the Church Clerk, Sis. Edna Holloway, for financial questions.
*You may leave any announcements by noon on Thursday mornings via the church phone, fax, email, or you may send them to the Announcement Clerks.
Announcement Clerks: Sis. Carolyn Sibley, Sis. Rachelle Stewart, Sis. Jasmine Tiller.
Thought for the Week:
“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV
Have a great week Shiloah! Be sure to check on the elderly during the cold weather. May God continue to bless and keep you!
1. Vaccinating as many people as possible is the only way to end this pandemic. Without a vaccine, the pandemic could go on for two to three more years or longer.
2. We expect everyone who wants a vaccine will be able to get one in the next few months as large quantities become available.
3. Following CDC guidelines, we’re vaccinating our patients who are 65 and older, prioritizing those at highest risk based on heath conditions and those who live in areas disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. As vaccine supplies become available in the weeks and months ahead, we’ll reach out directly to patients 65 and older with an email, phone call or text message when it’s their turn to schedule.
4. The benefit of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine far outweighs the risk.
5. Trials showed the Pfizer vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 and the Moderna vaccine was 94% effective. There were no serious safety concerns reported with either.
6. Many people who receive the vaccine report side effects including pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain and fever. These side effects often indicate a person’s immune system is responding properly to the vaccine.
7. The Pfizer vaccine is administered in two doses given no less than 21 days apart. The Moderna vaccine is administered in two doses given no less than 28 days apart. It’s important to get both doses to ensure full protection. And you must get two doses of the same vaccine – you can’t get one of each.
8. Even after receiving the vaccine, everyone needs to wear masks, practice social distancing and wash their hands. It’ll take time to immunize enough of the population to stop the virus from spreading, so we’ll need to continue these safe practices for some time.
9. Our top priority is to administer the vaccine safely and equitably.
10. Our Safe Care Promise provides additional measures at all of our locations to protect you and our team members. In person or online, we’re here for you.
Provided by: Advocate Aurora Health
Homeless Shelter Services: For Placement Call: 312-281-7213, 312-281-7610
• Call 311 # Non-Emergency and ask for shelter assistance.
• In addition you can go to the nearest hospital or police station and ask for shelter assistance for individuals or families.
Senior Housing – 312-655-7440
Affordable Rental Housing Resources: 877-428-8844
Rental Assistance: Call 311 non-emergency number and ask for Short Term Help.
Suburban Rental Assistance: Call 877-426-6515
Illinois Foreclosure Prevention Hotline #: 855-533-7411
Food Assistance:
Food Pantry Hotline #: 312-655-7700 or 773-725-1100
Food Delivery:
Senior Food Box: 312-746-4016
Call 311 to request emergency food.
Disabled Food Delivery:
Contact the Mayor’s Office of Peoples with Disabilities at 312-746-5773 to home delivered meals as needed.
SNAP / LINK Benefits Hotline: 773-843-5416 or Suburban # 800-843-6154
Need of food 773 843 5416 - 800 843 6154
Counseling Services: 800 950 6264
Seniors: 800 252 8966
Suburban Seniors: 708 383 0258
Counseling Services: 1-800-950-6264 or 312-655-7725
Illinois Department on Aging Helpline: 1-800-252-8966
Home Care Services: Call 312-744-4016
Suburban Seniors: Age Options for Social Services at 708-383-0258
DFSS – Has a Senior Program called “The Heavy Duty Chore Program Telephone # is 312-744-4016.
ComED has set aside 18 million dollars for payment assistance programs
ComED customers, Contact: # 312-744-4426
Peoples Gas has set aside 12 million dollars for utility assistance:
People Gas Customers Contact: # 866-556-6001
North Shore Gas #: 866 556- 6004
CEDA can be contacted at 1-800-571-2332 for low income home energy assistance program.
Emergency Heating Repair: Contact: 311
It is a grant program available to Chicago eligible home owners for service repair or replacement of their furnace or boiler heating
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Each One, Reach One